Tel Hai Celebrates ‘National Nutrition Month’ in March

How, when, why and where we eat are just as important as what we eat. Making sure to enjoy the sights, sounds, memories and interactions associated with eating are essential to developing an overall healthy eating plan. That is why, as part of National Nutrition Month® 2016, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and Tel Hai…

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American Heart Month: Hints & Tips to a Healthy YOU!

February is American Heart Month, so here are some of the latest things this physician would like you all to know! This information in this blog may be completely new to you (but hopefully not new to your physician): 1. The Meat and Potatoes Diet wasn’t bad because of the meat or the potatoes. It was bad…

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Volunteer Spotlight: Wood Shop Volunteers

I bet you would never know that some of the beautiful wooden benches on campus were once painted and almost discarded because of their discoloring and weather-worn look. That was until some of them were taken to our campus wood shop to be stripped of their paint, sanded and stained to look like the beautiful…

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Volunteer Spotlight: Community Volunteers

Two-hundred and eighty five volunteers call Tel Hai Retirement Community their home. Naturally these individuals like to volunteer on campus and help make their home the best place to be. But quite a few of our volunteers don’t stop there and they have expanded their volunteering to the local Honey Brook and Twin Valley area to…

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Anticipation- The Holiday Season & 2016

As the calendar flips to December, we enter the most eagerly anticipated holiday season of the year with Christmas and New Years only several weeks away. Not as if we needed to be reminded! The bombardment of Christmas advertising seems to arrive earlier every year. And, if your family is like mine, it does not…

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