Walking Hand in Hand

My wife and I leave our cottage on Rolling Hills Circle, walking briskly past Honey Locust Court saying a brief hello to Dave and Dottie who had just finished a hearty breakfast. Walking hand in hand out in the crisp morning air. Walking Hand in Hand we look to the hill covered with soybean plants…

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Why Tel Hai Volunteers are AWESOME!

When I started working in the volunteer department at Tel Hai, I knew there were a lot of volunteers. I knew there were a lot of volunteer opportunities. And I was pretty sure the volunteers would be pretty nice. But what I didn’t know was what I was getting myself into and the caliber of…

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Where Heaven and Earth Meet

A Reflection of My Visit to the Holy Land I didn’t know what to fully expect. Though I had served as a Pastor for more than 30 years and had taught numerous lessons from the Bible, I had never visited the Holy Land. It’s not that I didn’t have an interest in going. It just…

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This is the ‘Life’

This winter, I’ve been counting my blessings, one of which is the decision I made eight years ago to move to this beautiful campus. I’m sure that other residents who reside at Tel Hai can relate to them as well. I feel thankful… – when I leave the dinner table each night and have not…

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Millennials in the Tel Hai Workforce

As the workforce continues to be increasingly inundated with Millennials (employees who were born between 1981 and 1996; 21-36 years old), there is increasing conversation about how this next generation of workers are impacting organizations. Many companies- like Tel Hai- recognize the value of the Millennial generation and are seeking to gain a better understanding…

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