Bladder Issues? Top 10 Foods to Avoid!

Irritation of the bladder and urinary incontinence is a very common problem, but that does not mean it needs to be your norm! There are many factors that can affect incontinence. Certain foods and drinks can irritate the urinary system and exacerbate your symptoms. Be mindful when making beverage and meal choices: Alcoholic beverages Citrus…

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Summer Youth Volunteer: My Time at Tel Hai

This summer has been wonderful, because I got to make new friends and meet new people as a Summer Youth Volunteer. I can not wait to tell you about what I did this summer! As a Summer Youth Volunteer I thought everybody at Tel Hai were nice and I felt like I was useful and…

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I have recently been reflecting on that word belong. It is an English word that has been around since the 1400s. While the word has been around for a half of a millennia, the personal need for belonging to some group of individuals has been a part of the human psyche since the dawn of…

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Top 5 Desirable Traits to Become a Tel Hai Team Member

In today’s competitive job market, how can you make yourself desirable to service-based organizations like Tel Hai?  View our ‘Top 5 Desirable Traits to Become a Tel Hai Team Member!’ • Integrity • Compassion • Trust • Stewardship • Community Integrity: Tel Hai looks for team members who model integrity at all times. This includes…

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Sew Creative is a Bright Light

Every Monday morning, about twenty ladies gather at Tel Hai Retirement Community to enjoy one another’s company and to quilt and sew for charitable causes, near and far. Many of the ladies have been sewing for 60 years or more and learned this life-skill in school, 4-H, or from a family member. Quilts of Valor…

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