Hello from Nepal!

Tel Hai’s President, Dave Shenk, is on a 3-week trek through Nepal.  This is the first blog posting of his adventures.  Check back to the Tel Hai blog often for an update on Dave’s journey!

We arrived in Kathmandu, Nepal on Qatar Airlines on April 24 and enjoyed the culture, chaos, and hustle bustle of Nepal’s capital city for a day. The next day, we took a very rough seven hour “Jeep” ride to the trailhead to begin our 11-day trek in the Annapurna mountain range.

Several immediate things come to mind. We take so much for granted in the developed world – things such as running water that is safe to drink, electricity, heated rooms, internet access. None of these were consistently available, it at all, in many of the villages we stayed in. I was so impressed with the resourcefulness of Nepali people in spite of the lack of means. It reminded me of how much we have and the choices that we have because of our wealth.

I was also very aware of how important the role of religion is in the daily lives of the people here. Nepali’s are primarily Buddhists and Hindus. Throughout large cities and tiny villages, we saw people praying at temples, shrines, stupas, and other holy places.

Trekking 8 to 12 miles a day was an amazing adventure and the hardest physical exertion that I experienced in my life. Several days we climbed over 3,000 of elevation with the highest day yesterday at Thorong La Pass at 17,769 feet before descending 6,000 feet. Temperatures dipped into the 20’s and we hiked most of one day in snow.

The views of the Annapurna range were incredible and will never be forgotten. The snow-capped mountains are beautiful from every angle as we trekked around and through different valleys and mountain slopes.

Seven sherpas and porters supported the eight trekkers in our group. They acted as guides, cooks, interpreters, and carried about 90-pounds of gear and we only carried day packs with 12 to 15 pounds of water, snacks, extra jacket layers, etc.

The local folks in the small villages along the way were very hospitable and the food was outstanding. There were staples of rice, curry, dal, etc. on a daily basis. I look forward to a return to the United States on May 12th and seeing everyone again. And a hot shower and a hamburger might be nice as well!

Dave Shenk

President & CEO

Tel Hai Retirement Community

Photos include the Annapurna mountain range and Dendi Sherpa, our Nepal trekking guide!

Tips from Tina: Listing, Selling & Negotiating!

Welcome to the first posting of our new blog series called ‘Tips from Tina.’  If you have questions, she has the answers! From recommended questions when interviewing a realtor to decluttering your closets, you can anonymously ask Tina any move-related question you’d like.  No question is too small or too silly.

Each quarter throughout 2018, Tina will answer several of the questions, and provide her best advice through our Moving Resources Program.  Got a question? Call or email Tina directly at tcressman@telhai.org or (610) 273-9333, ext. 2160 with your questions. And don’t worry, we won’t use your name!

Question: “I’m ready to list my house.  What happens if it sells faster than I planned?” 

First, congratulations if your home sells fast.  That’s great news! When you join the Future Resident List, you’ll have access to our Moving Resources Program.  Together, we will explore available options of short-term and long-term housing. Short-term housing is considered housing for a period of less than two months.  It’s often more costly than long-term housing, but comes with the convenience of a fully furnished accommodation.  On the contrary, long-term housing is generally considered housing longer than 2 months and up to a year.  It’s less expensive than short-term housing, and lease agreements can range from month-to-month, to quarterly to yearly.  I can provide you critical resources of who provides housing, where it’s located, and help you sort through your options.  Once, I had a resident who needed long-term housing, and she stayed at an off-season beach rental… what fun! Ultimately, do not let a quick sale of your house deter you from closing on a sale.

Question: “I’m not a fan of yard sales or auctions but I have some high-end items.  Where can I consign items like housewares or jewelry?”

There are several options locally in the Western Chester County area and many along the Main Line.  Also, places like the Brandywine Consignment Shop and The Palm Tree  offer consignment opportunities for a cause!  Together, I’ll help you do your homework on what fits you best.  In general, there is a cost to consign and a time-period associated with the selling of your items.  Also, be aware that many vendors limit the amount of items you can consign, so pick wisely!

Question: “Should I negotiate for a reduced commission rate with my listing agent?”

This is a tough and sensitive question within the world of real estate.  Your listing agent is a trained professional who you are hiring to sell- perhaps- your most valuable possession.  You want them to broker the best deal for you, so you can start the next journey of your life at Tel Hai.  Consider why would they be willing to work for a reduced rate.  Would they reduce your homes advertising budget or exposure?  I recommend you proceed with caution. 


Fight Hunger: One Can at a Time!

Even in the world’s greatest food-producing nation, children and adults face poverty and hunger in every county across America.

According to Feeding America in their 2017 report, 41 million people struggle with hunger in the United States, including 13 million children and 5.6 million seniors and older adults. Food insecurity is a reality for our neighbors in the community in which we live and work. A household that is food insecure has limited access to enough food to support a healthy life.

You can make a difference for some of those that are in need. Tel Hai’s Annual Food Drive benefits the Twin Valley Food Bank and the Honey Brook Food Pantry and is currently under way through the end of March.

Please consider making a donation to the food pantries in our immediate area. Requested items include canned tuna, peanut butter, cereals, pasta, rice, canned fruits, canned vegetables, spaghetti sauce, soups, laundry detergent, dish soap, bar soap, paper towels, and toilet paper. Baskets for donation collections are located in the Garret Community Center lobby, Chapel lobby, StoneCroft lobby and Child Day Care Center.

Together we can make a difference in ending hunger. Thank you in advance for your support and generosity.

Sybil Oswalt, MS, RD, CSG, LDN

Registered Dietitian

Tel Hai Retirement Community

Israel: Walking Where Jesus Walked

We recently returned from a ten day trip to Israel with thirty-six of our neighbors and friends. It was my sixth pilgrimage to the Holy Land. I am often asked why I continue to go back to the same place again and again. There are many reasons my wife and I become tour hosts for this fascinating adventure. Probably the best reason to return is the opportunity to introduce folks to the joy of discovering the place where Jesus lived.

The expressions we often hear include: “I’ve been waiting my whole life to get here;” or “It’s hard to believe I am walking where Jesus walked.” The looks of excitement, astonishment and pure joy are priceless.

You can make this trip in many ways. Some go just to visit a ‘new’ place, others go as biblical students, trying to understand the Bible better, while many make this a pilgrimage. That is, they want to have a closer experience with God, using the sites as opportunities to better know and understand the God of Creation and the Word. It is always our hope and prayer that members of our group will become pilgrims.

The Bible comes alive while visiting places that were previously just names. As one of our group shared, “I read the scripture Sunday in church, and could say, ‘Now I know what that really means.’” Placed in real contexts, Bible stories and teachings come alive and drastically alter our understanding of long familiar passages.

One such passage that captivated all of us was the teaching of Jesus concerning his teaching about moving mountains by faith. Try to contact a member of our group and ask how that story came alive for us.

One of my favorite places is the Garden of Gethsemane, on the Mount of Olives, where Jesus prayed before going to the Cross. We learned that olive trees, when cut down to their roots, can grow again out of those same roots. That means the trees there today may be the same ones that Jesus prayed beside two thousand years ago. So we were truly where Jesus prayed for each of us, and you.

Dan MacDonald, D. Min.

Tel Hai Resident

Tel Hai Hosts ‘Good Friday’ Breakfast & Talk Featuring Award-Winning Author Gayle Roper

Tel Hai Retirement Community invites the community to participate in a buffet breakfast and talk by keynote speaker, award-winning author Gayle Roper on Good Friday, March 30 at 8:00 AM on the campus of Tel Hai.

Roper has authored more than forty books, and has been a Christy finalist three times for her novels Spring Rain, Summer Shadows, and Winter Winds.  Her novel Autumn Dreams won the prestigious Romance Writers of America’s (RITA) Award for Best Inspirational Romance. She has taught with Christian Leaders, Authors and Speakers Services (CLASS), serving for several years as their writer in residence. Roper enjoys speaking at events across the nation and loves sharing the powerful truths of Scripture with humor and practicality.

Pre-registration for the event is required by March 20 by calling the Pastoral Care Office at 610-273-9333 ext. 2009 or email at therr@telhai.org. There is a $11 fee for this event.

Event is hosted in the StoneCroft Center for Worship & Performing Arts, on the campus at Tel Hai, located at 4000 Tree Line Drive, Honey Brook. We are only 3 short miles east of Route 10 off Beaver Dam Road. Follow Beaver Dam Road to the campus of Tel Hai, then turn onto Tree Line Drive and follow signs to StoneCroft. Parking is available adjacent to the StoneCroft commons main entrance.

Tel Hai Retirement Community, an accredited nonprofit Life Plan Community, has provided compassionate care since 1956. For more information or directions, please visit www.telhai.org.

Founded in 1956, Tel Hai Retirement Community is a non-profit, 501(c)3 Life Plan Community (formerly a continuing care retirement community) located in the rolling countryside of Chester County in Honey Brook Township. Tel Hai offers the full-continuum of aging services including residential living, personal care, personal care memory support, health care, , home care services and therapy services. Tel Hai is motivated by Christ’s love for all, and our covenant is to provide a vibrant caring community that enhances the lives of those served, including more than 950 residents and 500 team members. Tel Hai is nationally accredited by the independent Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities-Continuing Care Accreditation Commission (CARF-CCAC.)

Tips from Tina: You have questions? She has answers.

Starting in March, we will begin a new blog series called ‘Tips from Tina.’

If you have questions, she has the answers! From recommended questions when interviewing a realtor to decluttering your closets, you can anonymously ask Tina any move-related question you’d like.

No question is too small or too silly. Does she have a recommended packing tape? She sure does! 3M Scotch clear tape… and buy the rolling dispenser to make taping boxes easier.

Each quarter throughout 2018, Tina will answer several of the questions, and provide her best advice through our Moving Resources Program.

Got a question? Call or email Tina directly at tcressman@telhai.org or (610) 273-9333, ext. 2160 with your questions. And don’t worry, we won’t use your name!

Tel Hai Hosts Annual High School Art Exhibit: March 15 & 16

Tel Hai Retirement Community will host the 22nd Annual High School Student Art Show in the StoneCroft Center for Worship and Performing Arts on Thursday, March 15 and Friday, March 16, 2018, located at 4000 Tree Line Drive, Honey Brook, Pa.

The artwork will be available for the public’s viewing and enjoyment from 9:00 AM until 4:00 PM on Thursday and 9:00 AM until 8:00 PM on Friday. The event is free and open to the general public.  Local high school art teachers were invited to select student works for display at the show, hosted by Tel Hai.

Tel Hai is always eager to welcome the exhibit on campus; it is a long-time favorite of residents and the local community. Juried artists will review the installation and select works to receive honors in accordance with published Scholastic Art Awards categories.

These include: ceramics & glass, design, drawing, mixed media, painting, photography, printmaking and sculpture.

Event is hosted in the StoneCroft Center for Worship & Performing Arts, on the campus at Tel Hai, located at 4000 Tree Line Drive, Honey Brook. We are only 3 short miles east of Route 10 off Beaver Dam Road. Follow Beaver Dam Road to the campus of Tel Hai, then turn onto Tree Line Drive and follow signs to StoneCroft. Parking is available adjacent to the StoneCroft commons main entrance. 

Tel Hai Retirement Community, an accredited nonprofit Life Plan Community, has provided compassionate care since 1956. For more information or directions, please visit www.telhai.org.

For the Love of the Game

My love for baseball began many years ago when my Dad took me to Shibe Park in North Philadelphia to watch the Philadelphia Phillies and the Philadelphia Athletics. My favorite player was Richie Ashburn.

While in grade school and junior high school, I played baseball in a school-yard in West Philly where I lived. When my children were old enough, they played little league baseball (they also loved the game too), and I coached two of our children from T-ball through junior high school.

In 1987, I met Richie Ashburn in person at the ‘Phillies Dream Week’ in Florida. Richie and I had many conversations about his career, family and our mutual love of the game. In my cottage here at Tel Hai, I have a picture of Richie and me at ‘Dream Week.’ I also have a picture of the 1950 ‘Whiz Kids.’ After ‘Dream Week,’ I played organized baseball in Delaware County with the Delco Phillies.

With the help of Judy Schweitzer, Community Life Coordinator, I organized and started a Resident Softball Team here at Tel Hai. We call ourselves the “Rockets” and we practice every Friday morning from April to September at Suplee Field in Honey Brook. And take our practice very seriously…. (sometimes!)

As of 2017 season, we had 11 active players, ranging in age from 72 to over 80. They call me “Coach.” I am always looking for players for the coming season. Every summer we challenge Tel Hai team members to a softball game. The ‘Rockets’ look forward to this game. Tel Hai is gracious enough to supply hot dogs, drinks, and peanuts for the game. Our 40 or more fans from Tel Hai come to cheer both sides!

I speak for my team to extend a ‘thanks’ for such a marvelous time.

Rich Toscano

Tel Hai Resident

Exploring Culinary Services Venues at Tel Hai

Tel Hai’s Culinary Services Department is a dynamic team, bringing personalities and generations together. These differences serve the community well. From brainstorming with Resident Dining Committee members to guest comment cards, together, we are continually enhancing our services to create memorable dining experiences!

The Daily Brew & General Store: We provide “Grab & Go” items at the Daily Brew in Garrett Community Center, including hot breakfast items on weekdays from 8:00 am – 10:30 am. Open 7 days a week, it’s the perfect place to grab a snack or fresh fruit cup. The menu selection is expansive, from healthy salads to freshly prepared wraps. You can quickly make your selection and head to your next destination, or sit at a nearby table and enjoy! The General Store offers items of convenience, such as toothpaste, ketchup, and even birthday cards.

Garden Café & Azalea Square: Garrett Community Center is also home to Garden Café and Azalea Square. Garden Café offers casual dining, and is the perfect place to meet up with friends and family to enjoy delicious comfort food. Keep an eye out for featured specials for lunch or dinner each month, on our online dining calendars. Azalea Square provides a restaurant style menu and sit-down service where servers get to know you and your preferences. Azalea Square also hosts monthly special event, such as Italian Night & Valentine’s Day.

Stone Hearth Grille: Located in StoneCroft Commons, the Stone Hearth Grille has a high quality restaurant style menu with a convenient, carryout option. You can also purchase “Grab & Go” items at the register from one of our friendly team members. StoneCroft Commons has several dining spaces available for dining in.

Catering Services: We’re ready to partner with you to make your next special event a success… no matter how big or small.  With a large selection of function spaces, we can accommodate anything from intimate gatherings to large banquets.  From menu development to timely delivery, we can walk you through the steps to make your next event flawless.

Food is Culinary Services favorite way of expressing our love for our community! Happy eating!

Cara Florescu

Culinary Services Administrative Assistant

Tel Hai Retirement Community

Clark Gallery ‘Meet the Artist’ Open House with Professional Artist David Eastburn: Jan. 19, 2018, 1 – 3PM

Tel Hai Retirement Community invites the community to attend a ‘Meet the Artist’ Dessert Reception & Open House with professional artist David Eastburn on Friday, January 19, 2018 from 1-3 PM in the StoneCroft Commons Clark Gallery. Join us for this free open house and reception, which is open to the public. A residential living accommodations will be open for viewing.

David’s artwork is currently on display within the gallery. A portion of the proceeds from each piece of artwork sold goes to Tel Hai Retirement Community’s Care Assurance Fund for residents that outlive their ability to pay for their care.

David is a local photographer that is well known in Chester County. He has a strange inexplicable calling to pick up a camera and press the shutter. To capture, to connect and to create. He doesn’t need words or a stage or an audience just a camera and a subject. In this season of thankfulness, gather around boxes of old photographs to reflect and practice gratitude. Because in those black and white snapshots lies proof of a life well lived.

David opened his first Photography Studio in Downingtown in 1980. He continues to live and photograph in Chester County, near Hibernia Park, and owns Eastburn Photography, Coatesville, PA.

Event is hosted in the StoneCroft Commons Clark Gallery, on the campus at Tel Hai, located at 4000 Tree Line Drive, Honey Brook. We are only 3 short miles east of Route 10 off Beaver Dam Road. Follow Beaver Dam Road to the campus of Tel Hai, then turn onto Tree Line Drive and follow signs to StoneCroft. Parking is available adjacent to the StoneCroft commons main entrance.

Tel Hai Retirement Community, an accredited nonprofit continuing care retirement community, has provided high quality and compassionate care since 1956. For more information or directions, please visit www.telhai.org.

Founded in 1956, Tel Hai Retirement Community is a non-profit, 501(c)3 Life Plan Community (formerly a continuing care retirement community) located in the rolling countryside of Chester County in Honey Brook Township. Tel Hai offers the full-continuum of aging services including residential living, personal care, health care, , home care services and therapy services. Tel Hai is dedicated to providing high quality care and services to enhance personal dignity, autonomy and lifelong enrichment as a demonstration of Christ’s love for all persons, including more than 950 residents and 500 team members. Tel Hai is nationally accredited by the independent Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities-Continuing Care Accreditation Commission (CARF-CCAC.)