Volunteer Spotlight: Dick Sauder

dsauder9Intellectually curious, Dick Sauder is compelled to resolve problems by figuring out the source of the problem. Why has this stopped working? Why does this take too much time? Because he solves problems, fixes things, figures out the best way to perform a task, dedicates his time to do a job right, we are shining our Volunteer Spotlight on Dick Sauder.

He is dedicated to entering in our volunteer time correctly. After residents log their volunteer hours in the log book, Dick spends several hours per week into our tracking database. It is very important to Tel Hai that these hours are accurately tracked, and Dick takes this job seriously. The hours in the tracking datrabase3 are compiled and used each time we file for tax- exempt status.

Dick reminds us that we need to report the AREAS of care people are volunteering in, not the task they are performing. For example, we need to report areas like Residential Living, Lakeview, Meadows, Development, and . Dick sits by our computer for hours and meticulously enters the hours each of us has entered into the Volunteer Hours Log Book.

With continued attention to detail, Dick loves an intellectual challenge. If it doesn’t run, and it needs to run, Dick figures out how to fix it. That’s what he does. He has an amazing talent for fixing things with moving parts, such as clocks. The Grandfather clock that had been donated to Tel Hai and is located in the Chapel Lobby had stopped working. Dick took on the challenge to figure out WHY it was not working. He figured it out, and he fixed it.

In addition to resolving mechanical problems, Dick has a passion for the stars, the solar system, and the natural astronomical wonders of God’s creation. He built a scale discovery model of the solar system so residents could compare relative sizes of the planets, and their distances from the sun.  With this model, we took a stroll around our solar system out to the planet Saturn at 700’ from the sun and learned about it in a way not usually available to us.

Since 1967, Dick and his wife, Ruthie, built over a half dozen telescopes. Imagine that: a hand-made telescope! HE tells us he started building the largest one, a 16” diameter in 1987, and, when it was completed, he started having visitors look through it in 1990. He has been sharing it ever since. Dick has done demonstrations and shared his self-taught knowledge of the stars with over 2000 people.

Dick also uses his personal CAD computer system to create maps of our campus. We have asked him multiple times to help with Marketing events like Day in the Countryand Holly Trail by creating maps that highlight open homes, helping guests and visitors locate the homes they wish to see. His maps are not limited to the out-of-doors. Using his computer expertise, he  created a map of the library, helping avid readers locate the best seller for which they had been looking.

Following his passion for teaching, Dick helps with presentations in the Chapel. He sometimes runs the computer and has recently learned the sound system to ensure participants can hear what is being said. He also participates in the Men’s Bible study group by operating the DVD system. Recently he helped the group get a 28 DVD set that covers the entire book of Revelation.

For his passion for life, love of learning, aptitude for teaching himself and others, a penchant for figuring out and solving problems, and for his willingness to share his love of God and fellow residents, we thank Dick Sauder and highlight him in our Volunteer Spotlight.

Senior Staff Member Honored

Sue Verdegem LA AwardOn Wednesday, June 18 the state-wide association of not-for-profit senior services providers, LeadingAge PA, presented their 2014 Professional Advancement Award to Sue Verdegem, Tel Hai’s Senior Executive Vice President of Finance & Administration. The annual conference and exposition was held at the Hershey Lodge in Hershey, Pennsylvania.

Mrs. Verdegem was recognized for her dedicated service to the Tel Hai community over a period of 38 years during which the retirement campus and Sue personally experienced growth and the development of increasingly diverse skills. As the campus expanded services and housing options, Verdegem was credited with having a vision of the “big picture” as well as the fine attention to detail required of a chief financial officer. Her commitment to Tel Hai’s mission has been expressed in her commitment to maintain the organization’s fiscal strength and her dedication to the people of Tel Hai—from mentoring staff to spending time with residents, leading groups, and reading to children in the child care center on site.

LeadingAge PA is a trade association representing over 360 not-for-profit providers of senior housing, healthcare and community services across the Commonwealth.

PHOTO: Sue Verdegem, Tel Hai’s Senior Executive Vice President of Finance & Administration was named the 2014 Professional Advancement Award winner by LeadingAge PA in Hershey, Pennsylvania on June 18.


Volunteer Spotlight Pat Richey

PRicheyPoetry-enthusiast, Phillies-Phanatic, and busy-bee worker, Pat Richey, is a very busy lady here at Tel Hai and elsewhere. Pat and her Husband, Tom, moved to Tel Hai eleven years ago, and she immediately started giving her time to Tel Hai Re-Sale Shop. She reminds us that the re-sale shop started out as a flea market housed in a tiny little room, the room that is now the linen room, and, she adds, it was only open in May with some books and a few other things, defiantly no furniture, there was no room.The shop was then relocated down to the 800 building, near the sewer plant, and the committee thought that was great! They had their own building with shelves and room for bigger things like furniture! It didn’t last very long in that location, they were moved back up to the Hertzler building and given space to spread their wings and become the successful operation they are today. Pat tells us that the volunteers in the Wood Shop made the current shelving set up to enhance the displays.

Through these past eleven years, Pat worked to price the items for sale. Each time you see a nice little display with clearly marked price labels, think about Pat Richey and her dedicated staff of volunteers; Barb Peel, Shirley Walton, and the late Kay Griffin.  Thank them for the clarity of any purchases you wish to make. She tells us they would arrive every Tuesday morning at 8:30 to begin their work. Sometimes she would have to lock the doors because folks would see the open doors and want to come in to see what she was doing and perhaps make off with a special deal! That was every Tuesday at 8:30 for eleven years. That is a lot of volunteer hours, and for the consistency, dependability, and organized effort, we thank Pat Richey and highlight her in the Volunteer Spotlight. .Pat thanks her neighbor, Bill Emmanuel,for introducing her to the possibilities for giving back with work in the Re-sale shop: he said, “Come on. We need help”. With her Girl Scout spirit, she went to help, and has been busy ever since.

Regardless of where she is or what she is doing, Pat usually has a Philadelphia Phillies game within listening distance if they are playing. She tells us she used to travel in to Philadelphia for many games, but she prefers the comforts of home any more to the less-comfortable stadium seating. She gives her time to make sure the re-sale shop operates smoothly and enjoys a lot of sales.

Pat is a really big poetry enthusiast, and one only need visit her home to see evidence of this love. She especially loves historical motto poems and displays them on her “Motto” wall. Here we can see a Lincoln wall, aUniversity wall,and aWashington wall. Poetry on her wall was, to a large part, written in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. She does have favorites: The Sportsman’s Prayer by BertonBraley and After the Lights Went Out by Leo S. Robinson. These motto poems and their authors are, for the most part,fading from public memory; however, Pat remembers them and their stories and poems live on in the stories Pat shares ever so willingly.With a visit to her cottage, one can clearly see her passion for this precious piece of our cultural history. Her favorite poet is Edgar Guest whose most famous poem was Guest’s most famous poem is the oft-quoted Home.

Pat and Tom brought Kelton to Tel Hai when they moved here. Now, Kelton is a very special member of their family and has been for the past 47 years. He even paraded in the Day in the Country Pet Parade last year. Pat tells us they found Kelton in the road after a storm in 1967 and have enjoyed his companionship ever since.She has a collection of Kelton’s stories in newspaper clippings with stories about his volunteer work here. Kelton does friendly visits on the front porch of Lakeview in the warm summer Months.

Once upon a generation ago, Pat and Tom met at a political rally for Presidential candidate and World War II hero, Dwight David Eisenhower. Pat was at the University Of Pennsylvania Hospital, working as a nurse. As a young Republican, she had been recruited to go to the pep rally and hand out literature.  And the rest…   as they say…  is history. They met, fell in love, were married, had a daughter, Megan, who died in 2005.  Pat is a retired nurse.

Pat Richey is indeed a blessing to Tel Hai through the service and energy she has given to the Re-Sale Shop. She lives by the mottos that she so proudly displays and dearly loves:

The Sportsman’s Prayer
by BertonBraley

Dear Lord, in the battle that goes on through life
I ask but a field that is fair,
A chance that is equal with all in the strife,
A courage to strive and to dare;

And if I should win, let it be by the code
With my faith and my honor held high;Unknown
And if I should lose, let me stand by the road,
And cheer as the winners go by.

And Lord, may my shouts be ungrudging and clear,
A tribute that comes from the heart,
And let me not cherish a snarl or a sneer
Or play any sniveling part;

Let me say, “There they ride, on whom laurel’s bestowed
Since they played the game better than I.”
Let me stand with a smile by the side of the road,
And cheer as the winners go by.

So grant me to conquer, if conquer I can,
By proving my worth in the fray,
But teach me to lose like a regular man,
And not like a craven, I pray;

Let me take off my hat to the warriors who strode
To victory splendid and high,
Yea, teach me to stand by the side of the road
And cheer as the winners go by.

-Berton Braley

For the time, talent, love of poetry and baseball, enthusiasm for life, and volunteerism, we thank Pat Richey and highlight her in the Volunteer Spotlight.

Local Artist Featured at Tel Hai

Martin May head shotTel Hai’s Life Enrichment Committee has invited local artist, Martin May of Romansville, to present a program on Friday, June 27, 2014 at one o’clock in the Garrett Community Center on the community’s campus located off Beaver Dam Road, east of Route 10. A gallery showing of Mr. May’s fine work in pen and ink was on display earlier this year at the campus’ Welcome Center.

Martin May, a graphic artist by training, retired as a commercial artist to establish a fine art career and now enjoys concentrating on his on artistic pursuits. He attended the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts (PAFA—the nation’s oldest art museum and art school) and the John Hussian School of Art, both located in Philadelphia.

May specializes in finely detailed pen and ink drawings of wildlife and historic buildings and structures. He also has been commissioned to do portraits of private homes, commercial buildings and pets. He inserts a touch of humor into his art whenever he can.

Martin’s work has been featured in galleries and shows across the county. Many private and corporate collections throughout North America, Europe and China also contain his work. He has also won numerous awards and had work published in magazines. His philosophy is simple—“If I can make a living doing something I love and make one person reminisce or smile, I have succeeded.” Time spent in Chester and Potter Counties of Pennsylvania offers a multitude of locations that serve as inspiration for his art and provide opportunities to hone his technique while enjoying the region he loves.

PHOTO:  Works by artist, Martin May, will be featured at Tel Hai on Friday, June 27, 2014. His intricate pen and ink drawings will be the focus of his presentation exploring his artistic vision offered at one o’clock in the Gathering Room in Tel Hai’s Garrett Community Center.

Local Artist Featured at Tel Hai

internal_placeholderTel Hai’s Life Enrichment Committee has invited local artist, Martin May of Romansville, to present a program on Friday, June 27, 2014 at one o’clock in the Garrett Community Center on the community’s campus located off Beaver Dam Road, east of Route 10. A gallery showing of Mr. May’s fine work in pen and ink was on display earlier this year at the campus’ Welcome Center.

Martin May, a graphic artist by training, retired as a commercial artist to establish a fine art career and now enjoys concentrating on his on artistic pursuits. He attended the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts (PAFA—the nation’s oldest art museum and art school) and the John Hussian School of Art, both located in Philadelphia.

May specializes in finely detailed pen and ink drawings of wildlife and historic buildings and structures. He also has been commissioned to do portraits of private homes, commercial buildings and pets. He inserts a touch of humor into his art whenever he can.

Martin’s work has been featured in galleries and shows across the county. Many private and corporate collections throughout North America, Europe and China also contain his work. He has also won numerous awards and had work published in magazines. His philosophy is simple—“If I can make a living doing something I love and make one person reminisce or smile, I have succeeded.” Time spent in Chester and Potter Counties of Pennsylvania offers a multitude of locations that serve as inspiration for his art and provide opportunities to hone his technique while enjoying the region he loves.

PHOTO:  Works by artist, Martin May, will be featured at Tel Hai on Friday, June 27, 2014. His intricate pen and ink drawings will be the focus of his presentation exploring his artistic vision offered at one o’clock in the Gathering Room in Tel Hai’s Garrett Community Center.

So…Just Why Do Pie Auctions Work?

MarketingpicPie auctions work because people LOVE to give. In love, folks baked home-made pies. Using old family recipes and well-known favorites, residents, staff and members of neighborhood churches rolled crusts, blended fruits, whipped meringue, turned the ovens on and waited for the hand-made masterpieces to brown and bubble to an ever-so-perfect finish.

Pie Auctions work because people are willing to get up early, and, starting at 8:00 am, they descended upon the Tel Hai Chapel to Unknown 1deliver their pies and hand them off to the tender-loving care of the Pie Auction committee chair, Ann Paton, who then checked off the entry and mounted the pie upon the well-deserved pedestal for display and auction. Each pie was auctioned to raise money for the Tel Hai Care Assurance Fund.

Unknown 2Pie auctions work because people are willing to bid! The bidding started with a flurry of activity. Fast and furious – that’s what I’d call the bidding. So many bids, too many to count, but, if you really wanted a particular pie, you had to bid!

We wondered just how the auctioneer managed to keep up with the bids – but keep up he did, and, at the end of the day, everyone had fun.


Pie auctions work because winners realized their pie brought a wonderfully Unknown 3high bid, while other winners got to take the pies home, and the Care Assurance Fund received a 2014 Day in the Country Pie Auction contribution of over $1,000.00. Be sure to come again next year for another old-fashioned, fun-filled, fast-paced, original event: the Tel Hai Pie Auction!

Fran Atkins, resident

Teeth to Trees Featured in June Programs

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAHoney Brook Twp, PA—Tel Hai’s Life Enrichment Committee (LEC) concludes its program schedule for the season with an interesting variety of topics throughout the month of June. All programs will be held at one o’clock in the Gathering Room of the Garrett Community Center on Tel Hai’s campus located off Beaver Dam Road, east of Route 10.

On Friday, June 6, Dr. Robert D. Swartley will offer a program on “Modern Dentistry.” This self-described student, engineer, dentist, teacher and medical researcher offers a fascinating perspective on oral health. Regarding the body as “the temple of God,” Dr. Swartley holds a respect for the human body that directs his dental practice. He looks forward to sharing the wonderful progress that’s been made in 21st century dental treatment and the impact of oral health on heart and brain health. Learn what “excellent dentistry” looks like.

The Friday, June 13 program features Assistant District Forester, Rick Hartlieb of the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. Pennsylvania’s forests have had significant impact on the commonwealth’s economy and have provided enormous recreational, aesthetic and environmental benefits. Learn how we can protect and conserve this valuable resource that is literally in our own backyard. The Tel Hai community, which is part of the William Penn Forest District, is currently engaged in sustaining a “stewardship forest” on its campus.

The program offered on Friday, June 20 presented by Tel Hai’s Wellness Director, Chasity Brown is entitled “Balancing Wellness.” Instead of viewing “wellness” as merely physical health, exercise or nutrition she will review the varied dimensions of wellness employed at Tel Hai encompassing social, emotional, spiritual, nutritional, vocational, intellectual and physical aspects. Learn how each of these elements contributes to enjoyment and quality of life—all lifelong.

The general public is invited to participate in these programs planned on the Tel Hai campus; all are offered free of charge. Tel Hai, a nationally accredited nonprofit senior community offers a variety of housing, personal and health care, rehabilitation, and Child Day Care services.

PHOTO 1: Dr. Robert D. Swartley will present a fascinating overview of 21st century dentistry and health on Friday, June 6 at 1:00pm in the Garrett Community Center located on the Tel Hai community’s campus.


PHOTO 2: Tel Hai Director of Wellness, Chasity Brown, will address the dynamic elements that influence our health and quality of life in her presentation “Balancing Wellness” on Friday, June 20 at 1:00pm in the Garrett Community Center.


Spring Schedule of Special Programs

Donna McLay in her studio smTel Hai’s Life Enrichment Committee (LEC) will offer a series of engaging programs through the month of May on the Tel Hai campus located off Beaver Dam Road. All programs will be held in the Gathering Room of the Garrett Community Center. Subject matter ranges from memoir writing to a spirited sing-along.

On Friday, May 9, the Memoir Workshop led by Donna McLay will offer a reading of their recent work at 1:00pm. The popular Alex Haley quote—“Each person’s death is like the burning of a library”—reflects the impact each person’s shared experiences can have on others. As the workshop members read their unique stories attendees may find they, too, wish to create a record of their own life experiences to share with family and friends.

Friday, May 16 at 1:00pm, Tel Hai Dietitian, Sybil Oswalt will present a program on food choices and preparation methods to ensure your summer barbeque won’t derail your healthy eating resolutions. You can still be the “grill king” and eat well!

The final program will be offered on Friday, May 23 at 1:00pm featuring Sheldon Munn. This former restaurateur and jeweler found his passion as a licensed Gettysburg Battlefield tour guide in 1988. Sheldon finds everything “exciting, interesting and fun” when tracing Pennsylvania history and that of “outstanding Pennsylvanians.” This presentation will focus on the lives of Grace Kelly and Perry Como—who became household names during a romantic era of song and theater. The two-hour program will share information through lecture, humor and music. Refreshments will be offered and a sing-along is also planned! A $5 donation is suggested.

The general public is invited to join in these programs planned for May on the Tel Hai campus. Tel Hai, a nationally accredited nonprofit community offers a variety of housing, personal and health care, rehabilitation, and Child Day Care services in their Honey Brook location.

PHOTO 1: Donna McLay, Memoir Workshop leader, welcomes the public to a reading of the group members’ recent work on Friday, May 9 at 1:00pm in the Garrett Community Center.

Walk Like MADD

MADD walkers 2014Team Tel Hai had a great turn out for the MADD walk on Sunday, May 4 in Downingtown. During the opening ceremony, Tel Hai was recognized for our support of this important event.

Keeli Looper, Director of Volunteer Services

Classic Broadway Featured in Concert

Concert-Dominic Inferrera BaritoneThe Tel Hai Concert Series continues on Sunday, May 4 at 7:30pm in the campus Chapel with a presentation of the “Best of Classic Broadway” by Dominic Inferrera, baritone, and Elisa Matthews, soprano. They will be accompanied by returning favorite, Jeffrey Uhlig on piano. The concert is offered free of charge and the public is welcome to attend.

Inferrera and Matthews will perform selections from classic Broadway musicals including “Brigadoon,” “Camelot,” “Show Boat,” “Carousel,” and “The Phantom of the Opera,” among others. This is a dream come true for those who love musical theater.

Dominic Inferrera gained attention for the variety of his repertoire which includes opera, oratorio, musical theater, pop, jazz and contemporary music. He won acclaim for his role in Six Characters in Search of an Author with the Opera Festival of New Jersey and as the title character in the operatic adaptation of The Curious Case of Benjamin Button.  Most recently he performed in the jazz opera A Space in the Heart. He has performed with the Seattle Symphony Orchestra, the Oregon Symphony, Colorado Symphony, The Naples (FL) Philharmonic and the Meredith Monk Ensemble.

Elisa Matthews holds a Master of Music degree from Pennsylvania State University. Described as “a total performer” with compelling stage presence, she recently appeared in Show Boat at the Media Theatre and in an award-winning production of Sweeney Todd with the Arden Theatre Company, and A Christmas Carol with People’s Light & Theatre. She garnered rave reviews for her operatic performances with Opera Delaware, The Opera Company of Philadelphia, Center City Opera Theater and Bard Music Festival.

Jeffrey Uhlig is a widely known collaborative pianist who has performed throughout the United States. Notable among them were his performance at The Phillips Collection in Washington, DC and at Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall in New York. He holds a Master of Music degree from West Chester University and is the Principal Keyboard and Vocal Coach with the Ocean City (NJ) Pops Orchestra. He is in demand as a chamber music player, vocal coach and accompanist and is a faculty member at the Settlement Music School in Philadelphia.

Directions to Tel Hai can be found on the website: www.telhai.org under the “Contact Us” tab; with GPS please use the 1200 Tel Hai Circle physical address. A nationally accredited nonprofit community, Tel Hai—the “Hill of Life”—has served seniors since 1956.

PHOTO: Dominic Inferrera, baritone, will perform selections from classic Broadway musicals at Tel Hai on Sunday, May 4 at 7:30pm with soprano, Elisa Matthews and accompanied by pianist, Jeffrey Uhlig.