Canine Partners for Life Visit Tel Hai

Canine Partners for LifeTel Hai’s Life Enrichment Committee welcomes the public to a presentation by Canine Partners for Life on Monday, November 24 at 2:00pm in the campus chapel.

Canine Partners for Life (CPL), located in Cochranville, Chester County, is a non-profit organization dedicated to training service dogs, home companion and residential companion dogs to assist individuals who have a wide range of physical and cognitive disabilities. To date, CPL has placed more than 600 service and companion dogs in 43 states throughout the country. As a leader in the assistance dog industry, CPL was one of the first organizations in the world to be accredited by Assistance Dogs International. They are one of only a few service dog organizations nationwide to train, support and sustain seizure and cardiac alert service dogs.

Recipients of CPL service dogs come from all walks of life and face a variety of challenges in daily living. The total cost to raise, train, place and provide lifetime support for each CPL dog is estimated to exceed $29,000. CPL uses a sliding scale based on recipient income to determine the requested donation; this typically ranges between $1,000 and $3,000. No one is denied a canine partner because of their inability to pay, however.

Learn more about this organization and their life-changing work by attending their presentation at Tel Hai on Monday, November 24. Directions to Tel Hai can be found on the website:; using your GPS please utilize the physical address—1200 Tel Hai Circle in Honey Brook.

PHOTO: Canine Partners for Life of Cochranville, PA will present a program on their services at Tel Hai on Monday, November 24 at 2:00pm in the campus chapel. The public is welcome to attend and learn more about the life-changing work of this organization.

Physical Therapy (PT) “Insiders” in the Spotlight!

Bill Rigg PT VOLThis month’s Volunteer Spotlight shines on three who come in from the outside to give their time and energy inside our Physical Therapy Department. We have several resident volunteers who also devote some of their volunteer hours to Physical Therapy; however, this time we want to tell you about the three who come in from the outside on a regular basis.  For their devotion and care, we celebrate our great Physical Therapy volunteers: Bill Rigg, Frank Baer, and Joyce Rock.

Bill Rigg has been volunteering for at least five years following his father’s experience with therapy here. He got to see first-hand how the department operates and met the caring staff. He tells us, “The staff adds their very personal touch and works to ensure each resident is matched with the right staff to facilitate a comfortable and cooperative energy in the routine.”

The work is sometimes difficult and challenging, but this personality matching seems to work well moving toward complete rehabilitation. Bill explains, “In rehab, some people can be stubborn, especially with the added stress of injury or surgery, but I have seen the staff work wonders even with REALLY STUBORN people!”

Bill loves being helpful and friendly, and, most of all, he likes to chat with people he is helping. He tells us, “One of my favorite things to do is transporting people and listening to their stories as we move between their rooms and PT.”

Frank Baer has been a volunteer for about 2 years. He experienced Physical Therapy personally after falling into harm’s way in a tractor accident. He also returned as a short-term resident after five-way-heart by-pass surgery. Frank is a man of strong faith in the Lord; he tells us his faith helped him through his difficult times, and now he likes to share his success story with residents as a way of encouraging them to continue with the routines rehab asks them to do.

Joyce Rock is our third “outsider” who came in to Tel Hai Physical Therapy Rehab department to volunteer. She started volunteering in 2001, over 13 years ago! “Initially,” she tells us, “I saw volunteering was a way to keep busy after my husband passed away.” She heard about us from a few friends, and even knows some of our residents. Joyce explains that she sensed Tel Hai would be a great place to volunteer. Ah…But she adds, “I remember, when I first started here I had to take a written test in order to volunteer in PT; however, the techniques I learned through the questions on those tests continue to this day to help me remember important facts about assisting residents.”

Joyce has a pure love of helping the elderly, and she tells us, “I wouldn’t dream of volunteering anywhere else!” She truly looks forward to her weekly Wednesday schedule in PT and feels that it’s not only the residents that get something out of her efforts. Joyce recognizes that she also benefits. She tries not to get too attached to the residents she is helping; but, she adds, “Sometimes that’s difficult because a bond just happens between us and we become friends.” She sees residents weekly, and feels honored to be a part of their recovery journey. She says “I especially love seeing residents make positive strides from week to week.”

When asked about Frank, Bill, and Joyce, staff tells us: “We love our volunteers because they are so supportive of our staff and truly are a part of our rehab team.” They go on to say, “All three volunteers bring rays of sunshine to our Rehab residents as they transport them to and from the department. They are always patient, gentle and caring, and lift the resident’s spirits as they offer encouragement during treatments.”

Staff explains that additional benefits come from the volunteers’ personal experiences. Through their experience with rehabilitation, they prove that the hard work required can and will pay off.

For all three who came inside from the outside to give time, energy, enthusiasm, encouragement, and so very much more to our rehab residents, we thank our Physical Therapy volunteers: Bill Rigg, Frank Baer, and Joyce Rock.

Tel Hai Quilters’ A-B-Cs

Tel Hai Quilting GroupAppliqué, Blind stitch, Calico…and so it goes. The Tel Hai Quilters meet one day a week to do what it is they do so well, and they know the A, B, Cs of quilting and so very much more.

The Tel Hai Quilters love to gather in friendship and commitment. The friendship they share is their love of quilting. The commitment they share is quilting to spread love to others. This group loves to quilt, which, to them means quilting the right way…the old-fashioned way…the painstaking time-consuming way of push down, rock, push up, rock and push down until four or five stitches are gathered on the needle to end up with no fewer than 7 tiny stitches to every inch of fabric! This, to the experienced quilters, is the regular rocking stitch, but they also know all about the hide-and-seek, stitches in the ditch and so many others.

Hand quilting is a true labor of love, and the Tel Hai quilters love the work they do. Meeting almost since the very first days of Tel Hai—way back in the ‘70s or possibly even earlier—the Tel Hai quilters have always worked for charity. No one kept a journal or log book, so much of their work in the past is lost to history; however, we honor this dedicated group of ladies for the ongoing work they do today.

Originally, the groups that benefited from their work were neighboring charities outside our community; however, as Tel Hai grew, they started focusing their efforts to benefit the Care Assurance Fund. To this end, they accept quilt tops and hand quilt an heirloom-quality finished quilt for anyone who seeks them out. Each quilt requires hours of finger-bending, knuckle-stiffening, back-aching work, but these ladies gather every week for three hours to enjoy their fellowship and the work they love compounded by the gratification they are benefiting the Care Assurance Fund.

When asked about their most ambitious quilt, Joanne Belson recalled the king-sized hand-quilted piece they did for one of the Fallowfield Township schools. She believes they raffled the quilt and made over $2,500 for their fundraiser. Our quilting group no longer works on king-size quilts because their room and quilting rack cannot accommodate that size. At one time, this group purchased their quilt tops and worked their magic to make pieces sold in the Garden Boutique gift shop on campus. Since the renovation of the Garret Community Center they accept new projects in a different way—by request only. Their work can be done for anyone who has a quilt top and a willingness to donate $150-$300 to the Tel Hai Care Assurance Fund.

Who are these quilters? Mildred Yoder, Joanne Belson, Jane Kerr, Gladys Mosteller, Pat Purdy, Sue Stauffer, Chris Tabb, and Waneta Zimmerman.

For their Adoring, Big-heated, Concern and for spreading care and love to others through their love of quilting, we thank the Tel Hai Quilters and we highlight them in the Volunteer Spotlight.

PHOTO: Tel Hai’s Quilting Group—standing from left: Sue Stauffer, Chris Tabb, Pat Purdy, Jane Kerr & Waneta Zimmerman. Seated: Joanne Belson, Gladys Mosteller and Mildred Yoder

CarFit Event

CarfitSponsored by:  Tel Hai Retirement Community

WHEN: Friday, October 17th, 2014  10:00am-1:00pm

WHERE: Tel Hai Retirement Community 1200 Tel Hai Circle, Honey Brook, PA 19344

WHAT: AAA, AARP, and the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) have developed an educational program called CarFit that offers senior drivers the opportunity to check out how well their cars “fit” them and to become aware of community specific resources and activities that could make the fit better.

COST: CarFit is a FREE, individualized safety check to help you increase vehicle control and comfort as a driver. Discover easy adjustments that may protect you behind the wheel.

If you have any questions or are interested in scheduling an appointment, please contact Chasity Brown at 610-273-9333 x. 2129 or Space is limited so call today.

Honored for His Service

Mahlon Rossiter honored OPTUM 002On Monday, September 22, I was invited to attend an informal ceremony on campus initiated by OPTUM Hospice staff to recognize another Tel Hai resident for his service to our country. Mahlon Rossiter was the honoree on this day; his room in the Meadows Health Care Center was filled with family and friends to mark the occasion.

The Hospice-Veteran Partnerships were established in November 2001 with a focus on improving end-of-life care for veterans across the country. The coalition joins Veterans Affairs facilities, community hospices, state hospice organizations and others to “work together to ensure excellent care is provided to our nations’ Veterans and their families.” Kathleen O’Connor, OPTUM’s Volunteer Coordinator, was joined by her coworkers and two instructors from the Valley Forge Military Academy who made the formal presentation. The men in uniform conducted the pinning ceremony, read the certificate of appreciation and presented Mr. Rossiter’s wife of 67 years with a small US flag.

The most important part of the ceremony was initiated by the instructors’ enthusiasm as they urged Mr. Rossiter to talk about his Navy experiences. His service was significant and long. Mahlon shared his path through flight training from 1942 to his commissioning in March 1945. “Then they dropped the bomb,” Mahlon added. Honorably discharged in July 1946, he was recalled to active duty with an antisubmarine squadron in March 1951 and was deployed to Far East duty aboard the USS Sicily. “Life on board was great!” he added emphatically. Honorably discharged again in 1953, he then served in the Navy Reserves, retiring in 1969 as a Lt. Commander having completed 27 years of military service and 3,000 flight hours. An impressive record, indeed!

We all were moved by Mr. Rossiter’s open appreciation of the life he has shared with his wife, Faye, and the touching recollections of each member of the Veterans Group in attendance. It was an honor to be part of this celebration of life and service. I can only imagine how many other wonderful “stories” are out there on campus waiting to be told.

Sue Garthwaite

PR Coordinator

PHOTO: Certificate presented to Mahlon Rossiter in appreciation of his long service in the US Navy and Navy Reserves. Mr. Rossiter passed away on Tuesday, September 30.

Three Tenors & Uhlig Perform at Tel Hai

tenor juOn Saturday, October 18, 2014 the Chapel at Tel Hai will be filled with the sounds of exceptional vocal performance by three tenors—William Davenport, Galeano Salas  and Mackenzie Whitney. Accompanied on piano by Jeffrey Uhlig, their program of opera, Broadway show tunes and Neapolitan songs will thrill and delight the audience.

Coordinated by returning favorite, Jeffrey Uhlig, the three tenors bring a variety of operatic experience and years of musical study and preparation. William Davenport of Maryland has been described as a “lyric tenor with Italianate style.” He completed his studies at the Peabody Conservatory of Music and performed frequently with Peabody Opera. Recent engagements have included Verdi Requiemswith the Austin Symphony, the National Philharmonic, the Tuscia Opera Festival in Italy and the Bucks County Choral Society. He is currently a Resident Artist at the Academy of Vocal Arts in Philadelphia, where he studies with Bill Schuman.

Galeano Salas, a Texas native who grew up in Mexico City, holds a Master’s in Music from Yale University, He is currently pursuing an Artist Diploma at the Academy of Vocal Arts in Philadelphia. He most recently sang the role of Alfredo in La Traviata and was the tenor soloist in Handel’s Messiah with the Hartford Symphony and the New Haven Symphony Orchestras. He also won the Annual Arkadi Foundation Competition this year.

Mackenzie Whitney of Janesville, Iowa, received his Bachelor’s in Music in Vocal Performance from the University of Northern Iowa and participated in the Emerging Artist program at Opera New Jersey. Mackenzie began his studies at the Academy of Vocal Arts in Philadelphia in September 2012 and has performed the role of Count Almaviva in Rossini’s Barber of Seville and the role of Rodriquez in Massenet’s Don Quixote. He won the Encouragement Award at The Metropolitan Opera National Council Auditions in 2014.

The three tenors will be accompanied on piano by Jeffrey Uhlig, who performs regularly with members of the Philadelphia Orchestra. Mr. Uhlig received his Master of Music degree from West Chester University and is in demand as a chamber music player, vocal coach and accompanist. He is a faculty member at the Settlement Music School in Philadelphia where he holds the Lilian Kraus Felber Distinguished Faculty Chair in piano. He is also Principal Keyboard and Vocal coach with the Ocean City (NJ) Pops Orchestra and a Tel Hai favorite!

The concert is offered free of charge and the public is welcome to attend. The performance will begin at 7:30PM in Tel Hai’s chapel off Beaver Dam Road, east of Route 10. Directions can be found on the under the “Contact Us” tab; with GPS please use the physical address—1200 Tel Hai Circle, Honey Brook.

PHOTO 1: William Davenport will be one of three tenors to perform at Tel Hai on Saturday, October 18, 2014 at 7:30PM with piano accompaniment by Jeffrey Uhlig. 

PHOTO 2: Tenor Galeano Salas, currently pursuing an Artist Diploma at the Academy of Vocal Arts in Philadelphia, will be one of three tenors to perform at Tel Hai on Saturday, October 18 at 7:30pm.

PHOTO 3: Mackenzie Whitney, Tenor and student at the Academy of Vocal Arts in Philadelphia, will join William Davenport and Galeano Salas in performance of opera, Broadway show tunes and Neapolitan songs at Tel Hai on October 18, 2014 at 7:30pm. 

PHOTO 4: Jeffrey Uhlig, Principal Keyboard and Vocal Coach with the Ocean City (NJ) Pops Orchestra will accompany the three tenors during their performance on Saturday, October 18, 2014 at 7:30PM at the Tel Hai Chapel off Beaver Dam Road in Honey Brook.

New Memoir Class to Begin

Donna McLay in her studio sm-2Tel Hai resident and memoir workshop leader, Donna McLay invites aspiring writers to the next memoir writing course scheduled to begin its eighth season on October 8, 2014. Donna says, “Each person’s life is unique as a fingerprint. No one else has had your experiences. Do you have a story to tell?”

Mrs. McLay offers a six-week writing course on Wednesdays from 1:00 to 3:00pm in the Magnolia Room of the Garrett Community Center on Tel Hai’s campus. Sessions will be held October 8 through November 19 (skipping October 15, 2014). The $25 course fee is payable to Donna McLay at the first class. Pre-registration is requested; class size is limited. Please contact Donna at 610-273-4605 to register.

Tel Hai is located off Beaver Dam Road in Honey Brook Township, east of Route 10. The nationally accredited community, established in 1956, offers a variety of residential accommodations, personal and health care, and rehabilitation services on its 149 acre campus. For directions visit the website: and click on “Contact Us.”

PHOTO: Memoir Writing instructor, Donna McLay will offer a 6-week writing course beginning on Wednesday, October 8 on Tel Hai’s campus. Participants are encouraged to create memoirs of their own life experiences to share. Pre-registration is requested by calling the instructor at 610-273-4605.


Open Enrollment is Around the Corner

TelHaiSign-2The Life Enrichment Committee at Tel Hai has invited APPRISE volunteer, John Vogel, to return to the campus chapel on Tuesday, October 7 at 10:00am to provide an update on Medicare programs and benefit changes. As the Medicare Open Enrollment period approaches all participants will be keenly interested in learning more about the program in general terms as well as the benefit changes that may affect your selections for 2015. Residents from the surrounding community are also invited to attend.

Pennsylvania’s APPRISE Health Insurance Counseling Program is designed to assist older Pennsylvanians to understand and utilize the Medicare program and its benefits. Medicare provides health insurance coverage to individuals age 65 and older, as well as to certain persons with disabilities. APPRISE counselors are specially trained volunteers who can answer questions about the Medicare program and provide objective, easy to understand information. Additional information can also be obtained by contacting the Chester County Area Agency on Aging located in West Chester.

Tel Hai is located off Beaver Dam Road, east of Route 10 in Honey Brook Township. Directions to the campus can be found on the website: under the “Contact Us” tab. When using a GPS, the physical property address should be referenced: 1200 Tel Hai Circle.

Tel Hai, a nationally accredited not-for-project community, has provided housing, health care, rehabilitation and to seniors since 1956.

Al and Janice Fagerland in the Volunteer Spotlight

MMFagerland 1Al and Janice Fagerland give their volunteer time in between trips to their Sea Isle, N.J. vacation home. Chasing after the sun and the surf as often as they can, they still manage to keep a very busy volunteer schedule, and, for this, we highlight them in the Volunteer Spotlight. They prove that you can be an active volunteer and still do other things. They PLAN their volunteering around all of their activities.

When asked if they find it difficult to schedule volunteer time, Janice explains that she simply gives her “away” schedule to Amy in the Volunteer Office, and Amy schedules their time. When last-minute travel opportunities arise, Janice makes a call or two to find replacements for activities that overlap with the travel plans.

Al likes action and planning activities. He prefers to avoid political and decision-making activities, but loves to dig in to work that opens opportunities for those who need a boost – especially when pursuing education. He has been very involved with Optimist Club and West Chester University helping needy youth receive opportunities to attend university classes. Here at Tel Hai, he works with the new Maintenance Advisory Committee and the H.R Committee. He loves the work he is able to accomplish with these two teams. Otherwise, Al adds, he “retired” from meeting work. Meeting time aside, Al also makes time to drive the Community Shuttle on Tuesdays and the campus Shuttle when needed.

Both Al and Janice like helping others and love traveling and seeing new places. They have travelled around the United States, Canada and the world, but, Janice adds, while we have enjoyed trips that require air travel – having been to Norway, Russia, Switzerland, Germany, Italy, and many other countries – now they are happy to limit their travel to that which can be made by land. Not wandering far from her love of travel, Janice helps the Trip Committee plan the adventures we all enjoy. She loves planning trips.

They have 3 children, two sons and one daughter. All of whom live close by in Downingtown and across the Susquehanna near York, PA. They enjoy their grandchildren, 2 step grandchildren, 3 great grandchildren and grand “PETS” all of whom are within easy reach of home.

In addition to Trip Committee work, Janice helps volunteer at the GCC desk and the Meadows Front desk as well as Marketing’s desk in Marketing on Fridays. She especially loves greeting folks visiting us to learn about retirement living and all of the possibilities offered right here at Tel Hai. Janice is a friendly people-person, and her duties at the front desks suit her personality well. She greets with a friendly smile and makes everyone feel welcome.

Janice does not limit her volunteer tasks to desk-jobs; oh no… she helped gather donations for the Tribute Celebration Silent Auction helping to make that a successful evening. In addition, both Al and Janice have been asked to join the Peer to Peer volunteer group that supports our Marketing Team during open house events and Managers on Duty over weekends.

For fitting volunteer activities into an active life already filled with children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, travel and vacations, and friends scattered all over Pennsylvania and New Jersey, we thank Al and Janice Fagerland, and we highlight them in our Volunteer Spotlight. Everything Al and Janice do proves that busy lives, vigorous travel and vacation schedules, and engaging family events can coincide with energetic volunteer activities right here at home in Tel Hai.

Fran Atkins,


Hospice-Veteran Partnership Recognizes Tel Hai Resident

Nauta honored by Optum 004Kathleen O’Connor, Volunteer Coordinator for OPTUM Palliative and Hospice Care, was joined by coworker and Army veteran Christine Quave on Thursday, August 14 for a ceremony honoring the military service of Tel Hai resident, Walter Nauta. The informal ceremony was held in The Meadows health care center’s solarium with Mr. Nauta’s family members in attendance. The framed certificate and small American flag were presented by Ms. Quave; the pinning ceremony honors went to Nauta’s grandson, Max Nauta, who arrived in uniform. Lt. Nauta is currently serving in the Marine Corps Reserves in Colorado.

Walter Nauta and his wife, Joan moved to Tel Hai in December 2010 as residents in the Hillcrest apartments. Joan remains in the apartment home and can easily walk under-cover to visit Walter in the campus health care center.  This ceremony recognized Mr. Nauta’s service in the US Army from 1946 to 1948. Private 1st Class Nauta served with B Company of the 63rdInfantry Regiment in Korea. As a mortar crew gunner he was trained in infantry combat techniques and tactical employment of the mortar.

Hospice-Veteran Partnerships were established in November 2001 with a focus on improving end-of-life care for veterans across the country. These coalitions of Veterans Affairs (VA) facilities, community hospices, State Hospice Organizations and others “work together to ensure excellent care is provided to our nation’s Veterans and their families.” The website documents the startling numbers that underscore the need for such outreach and service coordination:

  • More than 1800 veterans die every day. This represents a quarter of all deaths in the United States.
  • Approximately 85% of veterans do not receive care through the VA health care system.
  • Most veterans still die in the community; only 4% of veteran deaths occurs in VA facilities

The staff of OPTUM looks forward to planning many more such ceremonies to honor the service of military veterans that they serve throughout this area.

PHOTO: Army veteran and OPTUM Hospice staffer, Christine Quave presented Walter Nauta with a framed certificate and small American flag in recognition of his military serve. Pinning ceremony honors were handled by his grandson, Lt. Max Nauta of the Marine reserves.