The Care Assurance Fund: Why Give?

AdvancementHeart“What is the Care Assurance Fund and why should I give?”

Residents at Tel Hai often ask “What is the Care Assurance Fund (CAF)?” Or, think that the CAF is a service fee added to their monthly bill. The truth is – the CAF is a benevolent care fund for residents at Tel Hai and- like a charity- your donation is an extra gift!

The Care Assurance Fund supports a promise made to seniors who become residents of Tel Hai, that they will never be asked to leave for financial reasons. Each day in our community, there are almost 80 individuals whose resources fall just short of the cost of the services that they receive. These individuals are residents in ALL levels of care who no longer have the resources to cover the annual cost of services provided. For these individuals, this fund is an assurance that day by day, they can continue to count on the care and support of a community that they call home.

Each year, the cost of a day of care can change depending on the number of individuals we serve and the amount of uncompensated care costs Tel Hai has to cover. This year, our day of care per person is $133. Our goal to increase the CAF is a constant priority, especially as we continue to assist more individuals, and healthcare costs continue to increase.

There are many ways for someone to give to the CAF. By donating to or purchasing items from the ReSale Shop, attending one of the special events we have on campus, or through memorial gifts in memory of a loved one, just to name a few. Or now that we are at the end of the year, many are making donations through their IRA Qualified Charitable Distribution.

But the most important appreciation for your gift comes straight from a resident when she writes…

“Thank you so much for helping to make it possible for me to continue my residence in comfort at Tel Hai. It was never my intention to have to ask for help after so many years, but your assistance was promptly forthcoming when I needed it most.  My family is relieved to know that their mother is well cared for and that they, who are struggling to meet their own financial obligations, will not have to worry about going into debt to pay for my care. My life at Tel Hai has been a dream come true and I am eternally grateful.”

Your gift to the Care Assurance Fund is an investment in our long-term ability to continue to provide this care – which is at the very heart of our mission as a faith-based nonprofit organization.

The Development Office

Tel Hai Retirement Community

October is ‘Fire Prevention Month:’ 5 Ways to Prevent Home Fires

fire-prevention-weekSTOP, DROP and ROLL… we all remember being told to do this as kids in the event we had clothing on fire!

Other adages we have learned over the years include: PASS, Pull the fire extinguisher pin, Aim the fire extinguisher hose, Squeeze the fire extinguisher handle, and Sweep the hose at the base of the fire to extinguish the flames.

Another acronym we use in the healthcare industry is RACE, which stands for Rescue those who you can rescue, Alarm – pull the fire alarm to notify others of the fire, Contain – isolate the fire to a confined area as you are able, and Extinguish or Evacuate – put the fire out or get out!

These are all good reminders of what to do in the event of a fire as we recognize Fire Prevention Month throughout the month of October.  According to US News and World Report, there are 5 simple ways to prevent home fires:

Risk #1 – Kitchens

A key way to prevent kitchen fires is by enjoying your meals in one of Tel Hai’s lovely dining venues! If that doesn’t always work for you, the best way to reduce the risk of fires happening in the kitchen is to stay with the food you are cooking on the stove-top. If you get called away from this task – turn off the burner before tending to the distraction.

Risk #2 – Heating your Home

Working fire alarm detectors save lives and knowing escape routes in the event of a house fire before one occurs is good planning! Each home has smoke detectors and the homes with propane service have carbon monoxide detectors. Tel Hai permits space heaters in resident homes that have been inspected by a facility services team member and that have a UL sticker on the heating unit.   It is further recommended that space heaters have a 3’ radius of clear space. Kerosene space heaters and other propane heaters are permitted in cottages as long as they are used in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions and the cottage has a working carbon monoxide detector.

Risk #3 – Smoking

Thank goodness Tel Hai doesn’t permit smoking in your home or anywhere else on campus, for that matter! The only place individuals may smoke on Tel Hai’s campus is in their vehicle. Butts must be extinguished in the vehicle ash tray because a smoldering cigarette butt in mulch spells disaster!

Risk #4 – Electrical Fires 

Check your electrical cords for proper condition – cords should not be used if they are cracked or frayed as this sparks fire. Another recommendation is to not overload circuits or run electrical cords under rugs. Please be observant to the condition of your cords!

Risk #4 – Candles

Lit candles are not permitted at Tel Hai. One recommendation is to use battery operated candles as they look quite similar to the actual flame kind, plus it’s fun to watch people try to blow those out at a party!

Fire extinguishers are in each of your residences and they are serviced annually. Fire drills happen periodically and your participation is encouraged.  Fire prevention week has evolved into a month of awareness!

Fire Fact: The first National Fire Prevention Day was declared by President Woodrow Wilson in 1922. This observation is the longest running public safety and health campaign on record and came about because of the Great Chicago Fire of 1871!

To learn more about fire safety, please stop by our table at the ”Fall” Prevention and Safety Fair on October 10 and October 12 from 1 to 3 PM at the CWPA.

W. Katie Buck, CASP

Residential Living Administrator

Tel Hai Retirement Community